Why A Gold IRA Is Safer Than The Stock Market

See why gold is safer than the stock market

Historically, it has been noticed that people invest in gold during times of economic uncertainty and turmoil. Being a tangible commodity gold is able to maintain its intrinsic value and investment in gold such as Gold IRAs helps in keeping a balanced portfolio. As such, when dollar’s value decreases and stock market drops, you will […]

Billionaires Are Buying Gold, But Should You?

In recent years, many billionaires across the globe have quietly invested large parts of their wealth in gold. Seeing this trend has led many smaller investors to wonder whether gold or precious metals should be a part of their portfolio. Gold has long had an almost timeless value, but the question remains: Is investing in […]

An Unstable Economy Has Americans Investing Retirement Funds In Gold

Recent alarming economic factors has led to more Americans investing in gold to protect against a recession or stock market collapse. The economy is booming, but experienced investors know to look to the future. Rising inflation, tariffs, trade wars and an overheating economy all indicative an imminent market correction. The JPMorgan Chase co-president further panicked […]

Can Investing In Gold Really Protect You From The Next Recession?

When our economy starts skidding into recession, many investors who invest in stocks face big losses and investment portfolios start declining in value. History indicates gold can save your investment portfolio during the next recession. Here’s how: Gold is historically inversely proportional to the stock market. During recession almost all assets lose their value. In […]